Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The ghost of Enoch

The Observer comments on Hodge Hill, Leicester South & Hartlepool

Racist election tactics and other dirty tricks are back ... and we're not talking about the Tories

Just before the Leicester South by-election on 15 July a flier was slipped under the windscreen wipers of cars in the constituency. It showed a picture of Parmjit Singh Gill, the Liberal Democrat candidate, shaking the hand of one Stephanie Dearden. She looked odd, like a man: indeed, the flier told us, she once was a man...

...It's no secret who put out leaflets during the by-election held on the same day in Birmingham Hodge Hill which followed a West Midlands tradition of gutter politicians appealing to xenophobia...

... Liam Byrne, the Labour candidate, told the voters, 'I know that people here are worried about fraudulent asylum claims and illegal immigration. Yet the Lib Dems ignore what people say. They ignore what local people really want. The Lib Dems want to keep giving welfare benefits to failed asylum seekers. They voted for this in Parliament on 1 March 2004. They want your money -and mine - to go to failed asylum seekers.'

Labour didn't mention that the disputed measure was a plan to take the children of asylum seekers from their parents and put them into care, which Michael Howard had denounced as 'despicable'...

...The Hartlepool by-election will come first. The Tories are out of it, as they are out of most things, and once again Labour isn't fighting the Lib Dems on its impressive economic record. Instead it's following the pattern of Hodge Hill and accusing its rivals of being soft on drugs, soft on pornography, soft on teen gangs and soft on crack houses. Typical of the guff was Labour's claim that the Lib Dem lawyer candidate had made 'excuses for junkies', because she had once represented heroin addicts in court.

Barristers have to take whatever cases are allocated to them. By Labour's logic Cherie Blair is a supporter of the poll tax because she once represented councils seeking to extract money from protestors who couldn't or wouldn't pay.

I shouldn't have to add that raising prejudices by banging on about crime and race are the desperate strategies of right-wing parties with their backs to the wall, and you might have expected an uprising from within the Labour ranks.

But where is a principled opposition to come from? From the Labour left? At the time of the Hodge Hill election Ken Livingstone was embracing as a comrade Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a 'moderate' Muslim leader, whose Islam Online website supports the murder of Israeli civilians because 'on the hour of judgment, Muslims will fight the Jews and kill them'; describes homosexuality as an 'evil and unnatural practice', which can only be stopped when Islamic society is cleansed of its 'perverted elements'; says rape victims must carry a portion of the guilt if they dress 'immodestly'; and advises that a husband may beat his wife 'lightly with his hands, avoiding her face and other sensitive parts'.

The new Respect Party, which boldly proclaims itself to be a left-wing alternative to Labour, is as willing to ally with religious barbarism and the enemies of the Enlightenment as Livingstone, and is led by George Galloway, a man who flew to Baghdad to greet a fascist dictator with: 'Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability.'

These are paradoxical times. The Conservative Party is nowhere, but conservative ideas are everywhere, not least on a left whose manic skid to the far right makes the slipperiness of the Liberal Democrats and the willingness of Labour to betray its principles appear modest changes of position in comparison.


Saturday, August 21, 2004

National Front announced its candidate


The National Front have announced its candidate for the Hartlepool by-election will be former soldier Jim Starkey.

National Front spokesman, Steve Rowland, said Mr Starkey, 54, was originally from Sunderland but after 22 years in the army now lives in Oxfordshire. He contested the Birmingham Hodge Hill by-election last month and polled 805 votes.

The British National Party are deliberating whether or not to stand in the by-election.

The candidates so far named for the by-election include Iain Wright (Labour), Jody Dunn (Liberal Democrat), the Rev Richard Rodgers (the Common Good Party), John Bloom (Respect), Stephen Allison (UKIP).

Gus Robinson, the Conservative candidate at the last general election, is also considering standing as an Independent.


Piers Merchant appointed UKIP Campaign Manager

Piers Merchant, UKIP's most experienced campaigner has been appointed as Campaign Manager for the Hartlepool by-election. He brings with him a wealth of political experience from two terms as a Member of Parliament and will give the campaign the vigour and direction that it needs to guarantee its success.

UKIP Website

New Tory row over Hartlepool by-election

Evening Standard

Senior Tories today demanded co-chairman Liam Fox get a grip on the party's shambolic campaign in the Hartlepool by-election.

Backbenchers are furious the party has not yet selected a candidate for the poll or set up a base in the town.

Responsibility for the turmoil is being blamed on Dr Fox, who is reportedly on a tour of Conservative supporters abroad. MPs want him to abandon the trip so he can oversee the crucial by-election, caused by the departure of Peter Mandelson.

There is dismay that the party has yet to start campaigning even though Labour, the Liberal Democrats and UKIP selected their candidates two weeks ago and have set up headquarters in the town.

The Standard reported this week that Gus Robinson, the Tory candidate in the 2001 general election, is considering standing against them.

And in a fresh blow, the party's leader on the local council admitted they had no chance of winning. George Morris said it was "most disturbing" that the Conservatives had still not selected a candidate to fight the seat.

"The Tory campaign isn't going for Hartlepool. The district officer hasn't brought to the local association a list of any possible candidates," Mr Morris said.

"We are disturbed by the fact that all the other candidates are making their play ... and here we are sitting knowing nothing," he added.

Evening Standard

Wednesday, August 18, 2004


Hartlepool Herald - Save Our Hospital Special is now available for download.

Hartlepool Lib Dem Leaflet


I'm Dick Rodgers a doctor and clergyman living in Northfield, Birmingham. I have registered a new political party called "The Common Good". We want people to live and work for the common good. We think this is a big part of the answer to a lot of the problems that Britain is struggling with at the moment.

Politics isn't just about politicians. The outcome for the country and the world is largely in the hands of ordinary people like you and me because our attitude is what makes things possible or not.

I believe in what I am doing. I have few resources but believe that there is a place for a new look at politics.

I have seen some remarkable things happen before. I was the man in the cage in St Martin's in 1986 who kept a 46 day fast with my hair shaved off for a Russian poetess called Irina. There was no sign that the Soviets would pay any attention but within six months she was released and a few more months later she was in Birmingham saying thank you to me and the Midlanders who helped campaign for her release. So watch this space.

... actually on second thoughts don't just watch it... join in and have the joy of seeing another miracle happen!. Be part of it. There is so much work to do out there in the world and people are dying because we can't get our act together.

And also we would be a lot happier as a nation if we had a job to do together that everybody could see was something to get passionate about and respect. You name it ...education, transport, health, multi-cultural relations and criminal justice... everything will work better if, as a nation we are an eager team together trying to do a good job in the world.

There is nothing about our life together which would not be revolutionised by a vision like this and I want to go for it and I hope you'll come with me!

Who is "we"? well it is me and two friends who have helped me a lot who are retired head teachers. They have been great but we want lots of people to join us including, hopefully, you.

See The Common Good website


It is now possible to post comments to future items on this site.

We would be interested to hear from anyone in Hartlepool who would like to comment on the campaign.

So why not let us know what is happening and who is sending out what leaflets.


The first leaflet produced for John Bloom's campaign in Hartlepool is now available for download.

Hartlepool Respect Leaflet

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Hartlepool by-election links


Guacamoleville - a byelection blog (Thanks for your kind mention)

Hartlepool Lib Dems

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Labour is accused over poll 'smears'

Evening Standard

Labour was accused of " outrageous" tactics today in the by-election to replace Peter Mandelson after it claimed that the Liberal Democrat candidate "made excuses for junkies".

A senior Labour MP said Jody Dunn, the Lib-Dem candidate for Hartlepool who is a practising barrister, was "soft" on drugs because she had represented a heroin addict in court four years ago.

But MPs warned the attack went beyond normal political point-scoring, and lawyers' leaders protested that barristers' views should not be linked to those of their clients. The Bar Council said barristers have to take whatever case is allocated to them, regardless of their views.

"It's not fair to attack a barrister on the basis of the client they act for. The cab-rank rule means that they take the next client that is allocated to them," a spokeswoman said.

The row is the first indication that the Hartlepool byelection will be the most bitterly fought yet.

Evening Standard

Hospital closure still 'long-term aim'

A HEALTH chief today confirmed the closure of Hartlepool's hospital was still the long-term aim of a shake-up of services.

The future of the University Hospital of Hartlepool has become the most controversial issue in the war of words between political parties in the town's by-election run-up.

Labour have accused the Lib Dems of scaremongering over the hospital's fate, quoting Bryan Hanson, chairman of North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Trust, as saying there was no intention to close the town hospital.

The claim led to reports that plans to close Hartlepool's hospital and the University Hospital of North Tees - to be replaced by one single new hospital North of the Tees - had been shelved.

But Mr Hanson today confirmed that while there were no current plans for the closure, the long-term aim was still to replace the two current hospitals with one new site.

Asked today if he could rule out the long-term closure of Hartlepool's hospital, to be replaced with a single new site north of the Tees, Mr Hanson said: "I would not rule it out. That's the direction we are aiming for.


Thursday, August 12, 2004

UKIP selects Hartlepool candidate

The UK Independence Party has selected a management consultant to fight the forthcoming Hartlepool by-election.

Stephen Allison, 44, was chosen over fuel protest leader Andrew Spence and business adviser Christine Williamson.

Some observers had expected the better known Mr Spence to land the nomination after Robert Kilroy Silk pulled out of the contest.

Mr Allison is a married father of two and former independent councillor who was born in Hartlepool.

The result was announced at the Grand Hotel in Hartlepool following a presentation by the candidates and a secret ballot.

A spokesman for the party said of Mr Allison: "He knows the local issues and has campaigned actively to save the hospital and on issues such as the ghost ships.

"He knows what's happening in the area and he is a good choice."


Wednesday, August 11, 2004


Fuel protester on UKIP shortlist

Fuel protester Andrew Spence is one of three people shortlisted by the UK Independence Party to contest the forthcoming Hartlepool by-election.

Mr Spence, a County Durham farmer, was one of the leaders of 2000's fuel protests.

Stephen Allison, an independent Hartlepool councillor, and businesswoman Christine Williamson are also up for selection by the party.

Robert Kilroy-Silk has confirmed he is not seeking selection.

Mr Spence is the best known of the three candidates put forward for selection, having been one of the key figures behind 2000's fuel protests. He recently organised a slow-moving convoy in Newcastle city centre to demonstrate at high fuel costs.

Mrs Williamson fought City of Durham for UKIP in the 2001 general election, gaining 3% of the vote.

Mr Allison, is described by UKIP as a "former Labour supporter" and election agent for Tory candidate Gus Robinson.

The three candidates will be interviewed tomorrow, followed by a selection meeting at Hartlepool's Grand Hotel.


Sunday, August 08, 2004


The UK Independence Party was in disarray last night after its members turned on Robert Kilroy-Silk, its brightest star, and attempted to block him from standing for Parliament.

Less than two months after its triumphant performance in the European elections, the UKIP's honeymoon period came to an abrupt end with fierce infighting over the selection of a candidate for the Hartlepool by-election in autumn. Mr Kilroy-Silk, a former television presenter, had voiced his intention to stand in the seat made vacant by the appointment of Peter Mandelson as EU commissioner.


Saturday, August 07, 2004


Robert Kilroy-Silk is "seriously considering" standing in the by-election caused by the nomination of Peter Mandelson as an EU commissioner.
The UKIP MEP said he was "coming under considerable pressure" from the party to run for the Westminster seat.

The pro-euro Lib Dems claim they are in pole position to snatch Hartlepool from Labour.

But Mr Mandelson, who has a 15,000 majority, said he believed Labour could hold on to the seat.



A 32-year-old father-of-three was tonight nominated to stand as Labour’s candidate for the forthcoming Hartlepool by election.

Local ward councillor Iain Wright was nominated from a short-list of three at a meeting of Hartlepool Constituency Labour Party.

The by-election which is expected to be held in either September or October has been caused by sitting MP Peter Mandelson becoming Britain’s European Commissioner.

Mr Wright won 78% of the votes in the first round to secure his nomination.

Mr Mandelson, the town’s MP since 1992 had a majority of almost 15,000 in the 2001 election.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004


Last night Jody Dunn was selected to contest the forthcoming by-election to become the Member of Parliament for the Hartlepool constituency.

Jody Dunn, 35, is a prominent local barrister working in the area of family law with chambers in Middlesbrough. She is married to Martin and has four children.

Jody will be a strong voice and advocate for the people of Hartlepool and is pledged to be a local MP who lives and works within the constituency.



Local Hartlepool campaigner, John Bloom, was chosen on Friday as the by-election candidate for Respect. He will be bidding to replace the former Cabinet minister Peter Mandelson who has been given a very well paid job as EU commissioner by his friend Tony Blair.

John Bloom is well known in his home town for his tireless campaigning activity. He helped to launch, and has been very active in, the Save Our Hospital campaign. He recently led the opposition to a proposal to site a second nuclear power station near Hartlepool.


Monday, August 02, 2004

Monkey business to fill Mandelson's seat

THE TIMES - 31 July

A colourful line-up in Hartlepool means this could be the liveliest political drama of the year

IT HAS a colourful cast of characters and great plot potential. But the monkey, the pirate, the martial arts expert and the chat show host is not a remake of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

It is the line-up poised to make the Hartlepool byelection to replace Peter Mandelson the liveliest political drama this year.


Go on holiday and what happens...

...They go and start another by-election campaign, just because we ask the question "WHAT ABOUT HARTLEPOOL?"